How to Report 1099 Income on the Final Return


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Final ReturnTo report 1099 income properly on the final return, the executor must determine how the financial institution reported the income on the 1099. The executor must know if the income on the 1099 is for the entire year or only before the date of death. Typically, financial institutions will send a 1099 showing the income earned for an entire year even if the executor informed the financial institution of the death. This doesn’t make the 1099 invalid, it just makes more work for the executor.

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Accounts with Beneficiaries that Earn Income after Death


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Accounts with BeneficiariesAccounts with beneficiaries that earn interest income or dividend income will continue to earn such income after the death of the account owner. While in the interim, this fact causes confusion for most common executors because it brings up a couple of questions. The questions include the following:

1. Who receives the income paid to the decedent?

2. Who is responsible for reporting the income for tax purposes?

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Setting up the Formal Probate Process Part 1


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formal probate processAdministering an estate that needs to go through a formal probate process requires a few tasks. As mentioned in the article Understand the Task in front of You, there is a preliminary list of tasks that need completion to close an estate. The initial task is to set up the formal probate process.
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Can I Opt-Out from Serving as Executor?


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Serving as ExecutorServing as executor of an estate is not a requirement for any person. Even if the will named you as executor, you can decline to serve. In addition, if the probate court appointed you executor of an estate, you can resign by petitioning the court at any time while administering the estate.

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The Life Estate and Personal Possessions


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Life Estate - white horse commonIn April 2012, I discovered my Uncle was living in his current residence under a life estate agreement. My Uncle wasn’t feeling well so he called me to his home to go over his estate. When I arrived at his home we worked our way through his assets, the beneficiaries, and personal possessions. The amount of personal possessions amazed me. My Uncle had so many personal possessions that he had to rent an additional garage from the association just to store them.

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The Mistake I Made in the First Few Days.


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what-was-i-thinking2On September 5th, 2012 we had the funeral for my Uncle. The funeral service went well and after the burial friends and family were invited back to my Uncle’s former home. Prior to my Uncle’s death I have been at that home about three or four days a week taking care of his bills and other personal issues while he was at the rehab hospital. So, when I walked into the home and saw a decorative ribbon restricting second floor access, a knot formed in my stomach.

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The Day of Death is a Call to Action for an Acting Executor


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Acting ExecutorThe day of death can be a confusing time for an acting executor. Since the probate court hasn’t approved an executor to the estate, confusion results for an acting executor about their responsibilities at the date of death. Without some guidance, this confusion could last until the acting executor receives the approval letter.

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